
Please provide input by 30 April.

It’s that time of year when the UN Ocean Decade ask us to update them on what has been happening in JETZON in the last 12 months.

Anything related to the Twilight Zone is valid. Media interview, school engagement, peer-reviewed paper, workshop, books, games. Anything.

Please just…


We would be grateful if you could complete this survey by Monday, March 3rd.


Dear JETZON early-career members,

Temporary early-career positions are often associated with high expectations of productivity and performance that may (or may not) influence how we design or choose research projects.



Preferred due date for exploration recommendations: March 15th, 2025.

As part of our community-driven exploration model, NOAA Ocean Exploration invites you to submit exploration recommendations


Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 June 2025

The deadline for manuscript submissions for the Special Issue  “Mesopelagic Fish Ecology, Biology and Evolution” in Fishes (IF 2.1,


Accurate assessment of the carbon export flux is crucial for estimating the magnitude of the biological pump, a critical component of the global carbon cycle.  However, this flux is challenging to measure and therefore complementary approaches are usually combined to estimate it. The use of radioactive pair disequilibrium, particularly Th-234 / U-238, is one of the most popular methods.…


Angelee Annasawmy has created a great new board game, based on results of her research. 

The game is called "Micronekton & Eddies" and can be played by 6 players at a time. The objective is for each player to perform diel vertical migrations while avoiding predators and being carried away by eddies. 

This game has served as an…


Deadline for applications is the 28th February 2025

In September 2025, the MV Silver Supporter will be travelling from Pitcairn Island to the outer island(s), Henderson Island (first priority) and Oeno Island (second priority). The Blue Belt Programme will be looking to undertake a range of…

DRIFT logo

Congratulations to Tom Longbahn (UIB) for winning a Starting Grant from the Trond Mohn Research Foundation for a 4-year project titled "DRIFT - Systematically Rethinking Advection and Cross-Ecosystem Subsidies".  

This project aims to understand…


Mode of organization: Online, including 3 sessions of 2.5 hours

Dates: 18-20 February 2025
Time: 15:00 – 17:30 CET

Please register through the link below before Wednesday 12 February:…


We will be highlighting a few areas every 6 months as ones particularly deserving of attention, in the hope of stimulating new activities within our community. For all of them we encourage you to think across the full range of possible activities: research ideas, technology, cruises in geographical gaps, new proposals, policy work, education materials…anything. Get creative!