In January 2025, for the first time in several years, DOSI will host a “DOSI Day” event alongside the Deep-Sea Biology Symposium.  

For those who have not attended before, “DOSI Day” is a free, informal, and popular gathering for members of the deep-ocean community interested in bridging gaps between research and policy. Along with being an excellent opportunity to meet others working towards the same goal, past DOSI Days have led to long-term collaboration on projects that have informed international decisions on biodiversity policy, fisheries management, and many other topics. 

Next year’s DOSI Day will take place on Sunday, 12 January in Hong Kong (Registration day of the Deep-Sea Biology Symposium). Our activities will conclude before the symposium schedule begins in the late afternoon.

To help the DOSI Office make sure the next DOSI Day fits the needs of the community, we would greatly appreciate it if those interested in participating would respond to our short survey below...

DOSI Day planning survey

Understanding your plans for January will help us choose a venue, identify key topics to discuss, and decide on any steps to support hybrid participation. Please note that this survey is not a registration form and will not commit you to attending; registration details and an event schedule will be announced in the coming weeks.