You can find open access online training materials on mesopelagic respiration from SCOR working group 161 ReMO here...


Lecture 1 – International training course on Respiration in the Mesopelagic Ocean - Introduction (Carol Robinson)

Lecture 2 – Oxygen consumption (Dominique Lefèvre, Matthieu Bressac)

Lecture 3 – Enzymatic approaches to estimate respiration: ETS activity, Enzyme Kinetic Model (EKM), in vivo INT (Javier Arístegui, María F. Monteiro, Natalia Osma, Isabel Seguro)

Lecture 4a – Aggregate respiration (Morten Iversen)

Lecture 4b – RedoxSensorGreen to estimate single cell respiration (Gerhard Herndl)

Lecture 5 – Estimating mesopelagic respiration from BGC-Argo data (Giorgio Dall'Olmo)

Lecture 6 – Biogeochemical approaches to respiration: AOU-tracer ages, O/C/N/P mass balances (Xose Anton Alvarez-Salgado)

Lecture 7 – (Global) models and remineralisation (respiration) (Iris Kriest)

Material for students:

Practical D - Biogeochemical Argo data

Practical E - Apparent oxygen utilization and mass balance approaches (documents #1 & #2)



-   To train early career researchers in the latest science and technologies related to mesopelagic respiration

-   To provide hands-on experience in using traditional and state-of-the-art methods to measure and model mesopelagic respiration

-   To enable knowledge exchange with the institutional colleagues of the course participants

-   To develop an international network of researchers focused on mesopelagic processes and ocean carbon storage