Registration is now open for the 3rd DOOS Virtual Annual Meeting! This year's meeting will run from May 21-23 surrounding the theme  "Missing Pieces: Identifying gaps and prioritizing solutions to address global deep ocean challenges.” 

Please fill out this form to register -

The format will have full group sessions Days 1 & 3 (May 21 & 23) from 1100-1500 ET and Day 2 (May 22) split into individual breakout sessions. New to this year, however, are two new community-led elements. We are excited to announce that this year, community members will be able to apply to host a 1-2hr breakout session on Day 2 of the Annual Meeting (topic and time slot of your choosing!) or present a 3-min lightning talk during the Day 1, full group session. Details about both of these opportunities can be found on the registration form and on the DOOS website.